Wednesday, July 29, 2009


i just get well from a bad fever..n semalam pergi daftar poli kat sabak bernam..packing last minit gile!mmg menangis la mlm tu...rushing sgt.tapi sumernye dah setel..but still saya x buat pe2 keputusan lagi..i've to decide it in diz week jgk...hurmm,2 hari lpas..tgh sibok2 ex-bf yg dah menghilangkan diri 3 bulan yg saya kat ym..agk suprise jgk..but a lil bit sad too!and...

he apologize..he said i deserve to someone much better than him..he want us to ending diz relationship with friendship after 4 years we had been 2gether..the reason is..he dont want me to suffer..

but...i accept it!at last n finally i got the answer dat im waiting bfore..i do care 4 him, i do miss him...but..if one day he proposed me back...i wish i could said..I DO!


  1. alololo...
    dun sad2 oke...
    u still have me...

    so skrg ni ko nye p'soalan pn da t'jwb...
    n remember...
    ko pnah ckp kt ak...
    ko kne happy, so...
    dat ur love story is not a sad thing to remembered...
    kn kn?

  2. haa ana...betul2.."our love story is not a sad thing to remembered.."
